Job Club

  • Once a month on the second Friday of the month we have a Job Club at our premises. This is partner work we do: we have our own team, Council employability specialists, the Employability Lead from Together we Grow CIC, and others, who together support and inform clients around becoming employable, CV writing and transfer of accreditation and skills. Safety around modern slavery and exploitation is also highlighted. 
  • We have 3 days a week of support on site from STEP – Skills and Training for Employment Programme – with huge success in preparing for work. 
  • We work with ILC (International Language School) to get people accredited with IELTS for higher education and jobs like hospital or university roles. 
  • We run our own ESOL programme and one staff member dedicates a day a week to assisting people with applications and bursary forms to join our local college, and to liaise with Adult Community Learning and other free local providers. 
  • We have also worked in partnership with Signpost and DWP, who acknowledge they do not always reach people from marginalised backgrounds, to bring clients to them.
  • Most importantly we also make Permission to Work applications (PTW) for any eligible asylum seekers.