Who we are…
RAMA (formerly Refugee Action-Colchester) was originally founded in response to the suffering and exploitation of refugees and asylum seekers in Calais in the summer of 2015.
Like many people we were upset and moved on hearing of the hardship they endured, and we came together as a small group of grassroots activists committed to helping.
Engaging in that situation heightened our awareness of the largely unseen issues that displaced people continue to face on arrival in towns like Colchester and the surrounding area.
Our remit evolved to address that local need, and we have now grown into a busy organisation supported by many hard-working volunteers and with strong links with our community, local government, local peer organisations, and national and international refugee and migrant support groups. We have formalised our organisation as the social enterprise RAMA CIC to help us deliver ever more, much needed, support.

Maria Wilby
Director, Operational Lead & Caseworker
Maria has always been interested in issues around justice, or the lack of it. As a migrant herself she still remembers moving here as a two year old from India.
Maria is grateful for the experience of working with people who are vulnerable through circumstances outside their control – whether it be war, famine, or hostile environment policy. She knows she learns from them daily about what is most crucial to a meaningful existence.
Meeting these individuals creates a wider understanding of the importance of a strong community and how it can help carry people through the hardest of times.
Maria believes passionately in acting with warmth in a system where bureaucracy has reduced humanity and empathy towards others.

Elizabeth Long
Chair of Directors & Partnerships Coordinator
As Partnerships Coordinator, Elizabeth is responsible for sustaining and developing links in the local community with social services, charities, health and education providers and other community groups. In this she is keen to ensure that the organisation upholds the founding principle of compassion where there is need, and non-judgemental assistance to those with nowhere else to turn.
Formerly a languages teacher and translator, she has volunteered with refugee organisations in the UK and with grassroots organisations in France and Greece, teaching refugee students of all ages. She firmly believes that we can bridge cultural and linguistic divides through embracing the universal qualities we share, while also respecting and celebrating diversity. Effective communication is key to ensuring old and new residents find mutual benefit as our community evolves.

Phil Dunnett
After joining as a volunteer in April 2019 Phil took on the role of Fund Raising Co-ordinator. Phil’s role expanded to web site admin and event planning. Phil was invited to become a Director in 2023 with a particular focus on finance.
During his working life in the Electricity Supply Industry Phil took on several volunteer roles, e.g. School Governor and leading a Wildlife Trust Watch group for children. Phil is now retired and is a volunteer instructor for the Taoist Tai Chi Society.
The publicity surrounding the plight of refugees, and an inspirational presentation by Maria Wilby, convinced Phil that RAMA was a very worthwhile cause to support.

Shelley Braddock-Overbury
Shelley was a full-time Caseworker from May 2020 till May 2023, having been volunteering in a part-time capacity with RAMA since April 2019.
Formerly a Business Owner in the Events Industry for 20 years, alongside being a volunteer in France and the UK in an independent role coordinating aid projects for Asylum Seekers and Refugees for the last 5, Shelley gained a good base knowledge around the difficulties vulnerable migrants face, both within the UK and Europe.
Shelley’s shared experiences in a professional capacity and experience as a RAMA Caseworker make her a very useful addition to the Director team

Laith Al Jobouri

Renee Luthra
Renee Luthra is Professor of Sociology and the founding director of the Essex Centre for Migration Studies. An immigrant herself, she conducts research and teaches on the causes and consequences of international migration, as well as ethnic inequalities in school, work, health, and access to justice.
Renee has been an admirer of RAMA since 2016 through her participation in the Essex Migrant Agency Forum, and she will be collaborating with them, alongside other migrant organisations, to examine the experiences of immigrant families in the family justice system.
In 2024 Renee was invited to serve as Director with a focus on the wider migration context in the UK.

Bryn Griffiths

Katie Rice
Katie joined RAMA in 2024, after graduating from the University of Birmingham with a degree in Human Geography, focusing on social and political issues. There, she fostered a passion for helping others and found a great interest in the topic of refugees and the UK’s asylum system. Whilst studying, Katie volunteered at a Refugee Centre and gained experience working with people who had been directly affected by such issues. Outside of her education, it was impossible to ignore the discourses in politics, the media and wider society about migrants and asylum seekers, and she feels privileged to be a part of the vital and admirable work of RAMA.

Maud-May Cuthbert
Maud-May always had a strong interest in social and political issues, and is passionate about social justice. Her desire to help others has informed her career choices and in the past 24 years she has worked with vulnerable people in education, library & information services, and offender management.
Maud-May has a professional background in commercial and educational administration and in library and information management. She has always enjoyed advocating for others, helping to solve problems and ensuring their rights are met.
During the pandemic Maud-May was redeployed from her role as Library Manager at HMP Chelmsford to the Essex Welfare Service, to handle calls from Essex residents in need of a wide range of services including shopping, prescription collection, and mental health service referrals. She found value in this role: offering practical help but equally alleviating loneliness and anxiety. This in turn led Maud-May to volunteer at RAMA in November 2021 to join a good friend with whom she had delivered caravans to the Calais ‘jungle’ in 2015/16. Since April 2022 Maud-May has been a full-time Caseworker at RAMA, with specific responsibility for Ukrainian refugees, and also for safeguarding.

Colm McDonald
Colm started as a part-time Caseworker at RAMA (formerly Refugee Action – Colchester) in October 2022 after having volunteered at various times in the past.
Colm had been aware of the often desperate plight of refugees, asylum seekers and globally displaced peoples for a long time having visited the Calais ‘Jungle’ and witnessing first-hand the treatment of these people in other systems around the world. However, becoming a Caseworker at RAMA really did open his eyes to the injustice, inhumanity and discrimination directed by government towards our fellow humans here in the UK and the need for organisations like RAMA to fill the holes in the system while helping people navigate their way towards better futures.
Colm feels honoured to work for RAMA: a wonderful organisation with compassionate and dedicated staff who do so much good for so many people.

Hasina Uddin
Hasina joined RAMA in April 2022 as a part – time Caseworker after volunteering with us.
In her previous role she was working at a women’s refuge supporting women fleeing from domestic violence.
Hasina is bilingual and is able to translate to some of our clients. She is the daughter of a first generation migrant. She grew up in a family who faced first hand experience of arriving to a new country. Her parents were not well equipped and faced isolation and struggle to integrate due to the lack of support available at the time.
Hasina is with RAMA because she is passionate and dedicated to support the most vulnerable. She is proud to work for RAMA. A place she says is international and where people from all around the world visit.

Leena Alfrhat
Caseworker and Interpreter
With over a decade of experience in the humanitarian sector, Leena specializes in providing mental health support for asylum seekers, refugees, and newcomers adapting to new communities. Holding a BA in Psychological Counselling from Damascus University and an MA in Refugee Care from the University of Essex, she has worked with international NGOs, including the International Medical Corps and Médecins du Monde.
Leena’s career has focused on implementing mental health programs to address the psychological wellbeing of individuals affected by conflict and displacement. She advocates for the rights and dignity of displaced individuals, aiming to foster a sense of belonging and integration in their new home. Leena first came to RAMA as a placement student, and was delighted to be subsequently taken on in a full-time role as a Caseworker and Interpreter.

Jenny Wilson
Having taught English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) in the UK since 2003, Jenny has worked closely with increasing numbers of refugees and asylum seekers in the education sector and has become aware of the vital role RAMA plays in these people’s lives. Jenny recently completed an MA in Refugee Care that included a student placement at RAMA, with a particular interest in the psychosocial benefits of education and ESOL for people from refugee backgrounds. She is delighted to work now as a part-time caseworker at RAMA, focussing on clients’ educational needs.
During her studies, the importance of working with people from refugee backgrounds using a multidisciplinary approach was always emphasised. Jenny says: RAMA is exemplary in this, with different members of the team working together to support clients’ various needs, providing legal, health & social care, and psychosocial, educational and enrichment activities. It is a privilege and joy to work for such a dynamic and well-connected team which truly lives by the motto “Action is the antidote to despair”!

Nathan Niesley
The plight of refugees and asylum seekers has had a profound impact on Nathan from birth, which came at a time when his parents were deeply involved with South East Asian communities displaced by the Vietnam War. Nathan’s connections with displaced groups continued throughout his life to include enclaves in Philadelphia, Vancouver, and Hong Kong. RAMA seems like a natural stepping point from these communities and experiences, and Nathan finds it deeply satisfying to be involved in offering more support here than he was able to in those previous volunteer roles.
With an undergraduate degree in philosophy and a masters in linguistics, Nathan’s professional career has included managerial roles, teaching at various levels up to university, and as a debate coach. Throughout it all, he has held onto the motto of his alma mater: Faith, Reason, and—especially the last one, as it relates to RAMA—Justice. May we see more of it in our lifetime, and most of all for our most vulnerable.

Ayse Uzun Demir
Ayse is fully qualified in international refugee law and a specialist in asylum and human rights, with significant experience in the fields of displacement, gender-based violence and trafficking. Over the past ten years she has worked in multidisciplinary responses with asylum seekers, refugees and migrants in Turkey, Switzerland and the UK. Her professional experiences range from roles in human rights advocacy to informing policy development and contributing to policy changes with national and international non-governmental organisations.
Ayse is motivated by the desire to effect change for individuals as well as at the level of public policy decision-making. While pursuing studies on the International Human Rights Law program at the University of Essex, she volunteered at RAMA and witnessed how they efficiently challenged injustice while supporting and empowering people. Currently, at RAMA, she is working as an immigration casework coordinator to help clients with their immigration applications, defend their fundamental human rights and challenge systemic failures in the UK immigration system.

Joyce McIntyre
Food Projects Coordinator

Sue Duffy
Foodbank Coordinator
Sue initially joined RAMA in July 2021 as volunteer office support and became employed as Foodbank Manager on a jobshare basis in March 2022.
Prior to this Sue volunteered at an animal sanctuary for 10 years. Her working life included roles within the Probation Service, Open Road (drug and alcohol) and NACRO (ex offenders). Sue was also a foster carer for several years.
Sue has always followed closely the ordeal of refugees and migrants in the media and had wanted to help in a practical way. Moving to Colchester and discovering the RAMA community gave Sue the opportunity she had been looking for.

Simona Čerkauskienė
IAA Advisor

Abdulbaset Fatahi (Karo)