What is hate crime?

Hate Crime can be defined as:

Any incident, which may be a crime, which is perceived by the victim or any other person as being motivated by prejudice or hostility towards a person because of their:

  • Race: including Ethnicity, Nationality,
    National Origin, Colour, Gypsy, Roma and
    Traveller Communities
  • Religion or Faith: (including having no Faith)
  • Disability or perceived disability: including physical, sensory, mental ill health, learning disability or difficulty
  • Gender identity: including Trans, Nonbinary
    and Gender Fluid
  • Sexual Orientation: including Gay, Lesbian
    and Bisexual

Incidents may include verbal abuse, harassment, intimidation, threats, physical assault or damage to property. 

You can find out more by looking at the attached Hate Crime leaflet released by the Essex Police in 2020 in 6 languages.

Hate Crime leaflet – English

Hate Crime leaflet – Bengali

Hate Crime leaflet – Lithuanian

Hate Crime leaflet – Polish  

Hate Crime leaflet – Romanian 

Hate Crime leaflet – Urdu

What is a Hate Incident Reporting Centre (HIRC) – and how can we help?

RAMA is a Hate Incident Reporting Centre (HIRC) where hate incidents and crimes can be reported; either by victims or witnesses. 

As an HIRC we act as an alternative place for reporting Hate Crimes/Hate Incidents rather than reporting directly to the Police.

We work in collaboration with Essex Police and other partner agencies to provide support and information during the reporting process.

If you are the victim, or witness, to a Hate Incident or Hate Crime, please contact us to receive support and information from a trained adviser.  We can support you to report incidents to the Police and also provide advice and information about other support agencies.